Guidance for Applicants to the North Yorkshire Directory of Approved Training Providers
In April 2019 NYCC’s Public Health and the Stronger Communities team worked on develping a Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Training Hub to support them to achieve the vision of the Suicide Prevention Strategic Group
“… to work together to reduce the numbers of people lost to suicide whilst providing support to those affected by self-harm and suicide in North Yorkshire”
as well as contributing to the stated aims of the Stronger Communities Programme to
“… encourage communities to work with us, identifying local solutions and actions in order for all communities in North Yorkshire to have greater collective control of their own wellbeing.”
Since 2019, North Yorkshire HeadFirst has delivered 45 mental health and suicide awareness courses to 560 people living, working and volunteering in North Yorkshire. This has been possible due to funding received from NHS England to contribute to a national reduction in suicides.
Mental Health and Well-being
Mental illness is a leading cause of disability in the UK. Stress, anxiety and depression were the leading cause of lost workdays in 2017/18. The cost of poor mental health to the economy as a whole is estimated to be far in excess of what the country gives the NHS to spend on mental health. So, reducing the impact of common mental illness can also increase our national income and productivity (Source: NHS Long Term Plan – January 2019).
Between 2015 and 2018 in North Yorkshire the highest number of suicides were among men aged 40-59 (40%) and this reflects the national picture.
The average age of all those who have taken their life by suicide is age 50. The average age is slightly lower for males (49) and females is slightly higher (53).
The number of suicides vary by district with Scarborough district witnessing the highest number of suicides between 2015 and 2018 (45) in comparison to Richmondshire district with the least.
This highlights the impact deprivation can have as Scarborough is one of the most deprived areas in North Yorkshire.
Communities play a crucial role in the prevention of poor mental health and the promotion of good mental health and wellbeing and community engagement and development are therefore part of the core deliverables of what “good” looks like in the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health PHE 2017
In 2014 a North Yorkshire the Suicide Strategic Group was established to develop a response to reducing suicides in North Yorkshire. Data relating to suicides in North Yorkshire can be found
The group is a partnership between statutory and voluntary services, communities and people with lived experience working and living in North Yorkshire: To work together to have no person lost through suicide and provide better support to those affected by self-harm and suicide in North Yorkshire, with a mission to:
- Provide communities with the knowledge and confidence to seek help or help others to prevent self-harm or suicide
- Support families, communities and public bodies to deal with the impact of self-harm and suicide
Communities play a crucial role in the prevention of poor mental health and the promotion of good mental health and wellbeing and community engagement and development are therefore part of the core deliverables of what “good” looks like in the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health PHE 2017. Access to mental health and suicide prevention training is also a key priority of the North Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan.
Our outcomes
Development of the North Yorkshire Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Training Hub will provide a delivery partnership with qualified, experienced trainers in all districts of North Yorkshire. The aim of the Hub will provide is to:
- Reduce stigma and discrimination
- Develop mentally healthy communities and workplaces
- Reduce loneliness and social and emotional isolation
- Reduce suicides
The Offer
This opportunity has been created via a partnership between NYCC Public Health & Stronger Communities Programmes and the NHS. You are being invited to be included in the Directory of Approved Training Providers for the provision of training opportunities accessed via the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Training Hub. The offer includes:
- Opportunity to join the county wide branded Hub, providing learners with the reassurance of quality provision
- Opportunity to widen your reach to new and potential learners
- Access to marketing opportunities via the Mental Health and Suicide Awareness microsite and through targeted social media campaigns
- Ability to compete with other Approved Training Providers for courses funded by the Hub in your local area(s)
- Opportunities to network and work in partnership with like-minded providers
- Access to continuing professional development activities when available
If your application is successful, you will join the Directory of Approved Training Providers for the Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Training Hub.
Application Form Guidance
Please complete the application form whilst taking account of the guidance below. Please note the word count for each question.
Section One: Tell us about your organisation
Guidance Note 1:
Please complete the contact details of the organisation that is applying to join the Directory, including an appropriate named contact person who we will liaise with. If you are a sole trader, please complete this section with your personal or business contact details
Guidance Note 2:
Q5 – Applications are open to a range of organisations including voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, schools & colleges, statutory bodies, faith groups (see note 1) and businesses and sole traders/employers (see note 2).
Note 1: Faith groups are welcome to apply but services which evangelise or proselytise religious beliefs will not be eligible.
Note 2: Commercial organisations are welcome to apply however they must be able to demonstrate that any funded activities do not generate any private profit.
Guidance Note 3:
Q6 – Please note that all providers included in the Directory will be required to become members of the North Yorkshire Community Learning Partnership.
Guidance Note 4:
Q7 – Please note that all providers included in the Directory must record their services on North Yorkshire Connect. To add your organisation and activity go to the North Yorkshire Connect homepage ( and click on the ‘Sign up’ button in the top right corner of the page. If you have any problems, or concerns please email
Section 2 – Current Capacity
Please tell us about the people in your organisation who you would like to be included as accredited trainers in the Directory.
Guidance Note 5: Q12 – This is where you can tell us about the trainers you would like including in the Directory, why they are suitable, their level of experience and the amount of capacity they have to contribute. You will be required to supply scanned copies of original training certificates and submit them with your application.
General Terms & Conditions
Any training delivered which is funded through the award of a contract will be managed through a contract between NYCC and the provider.
Any training delivered which is funded through a direct grant to the provider organisation will be managed through a grant agreement between NYCC and the provider.
Monitoring and Evaluation
For all funded delivery training will be subject to monitoring and verification that is appropriate to the level of the contract or grant to ensure that the training has been delivered as anticipated. The details of this will be outlined in your contract or grant offer. NYCC retain the right to reclaim grant funding should the applicant fail to meet the terms and conditions of the offer of grant.
How to Apply
All applications must be made on the Head First: Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Training Hub -Directory of Approved Training Providers Application Form. The applications will then be evaluated and determined by a panel comprising representatives from NYCC Public Health and NYCC Stronger Communities. Applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of submission, their Membership will be reviewed annually.
If you would like further information about the opportunity or would like to discuss the submission of an application, please contact:
Amber Graver
Stronger Communities Development Officer
01609 533914